How to Create, Push, and Delete Topics in Amazon SNS with PHP?
Amazon SNS is an asynchronous message-passing system that solves the drawback above. The sender is called publisher whereas the receiver is called subscriber. The main advantage of pub-sub is that it decouples the subsystem which means all the components can work independently.AWS Credentials(AWS access key ID & AWS secret key): You need to be an IAM user or make an IAM user and then generate a new access key for that IAM user. Copy all the credentials for future use....
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Amazon Web Services – Flexibility in EC2 Spot Instances
In this article, we are going to look into the key points to keep in mind while using an Amazon EC2 Spot Instances effectively with instance flexibility. Here we will try to answer the three key questions:...
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Amazon VPC – Launching an EC2 Instance into a VPC
This article will cover all the aspects of Launching an EC2 Instance into a VPC. As we are already aware of the basic process of launching an EC2 instance on AWS, launching it into VPC is almost the same. Every EC2 instance launched on AWS is by default launched inside the default VPC of that particular user. To know more about the basic protocol for launching an EC2 follow the linked article....
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AWS S3 Pricing
Welcome to the AWS (Amazon Web Services) world, where cloud computing is at the forefront of technical advancement. Amazon Simple Storage Service commonly known as Amazon S3, is a widely used object storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). You can store and retrieve any volume of data at any time from any location on the internet. S3 can be used for several things including data archiving, backup storage, media file serving, static website hosting, and more....
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Create an EC2 Instance With EC2 User Data Script To Launch Website
Amazon EC2 is one of the most popular AWS offerings. It stands for Elastic Compute Cloud. This is the way to do Infrastructure as a Service on AWS. EC2 is not just one service. It’s composed of many things at a high level....
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How To Deploy Python Application In AWS?
In this article, we will explore how one as a Python developer can deploy the application by harnessing the capabilities of AWS. AWS, a leading cloud computing platform, offers a wide range of services to help developers build, deploy, and manage applications at scale EC2. It provides scalable computing power in the cloud, allowing developers to scale quickly or down depending on application demand. We will use the EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) service provided by AWS to make our server and run our application onto this server....
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Amazon Web Services – Managing Invalid Keys in Key Management System
In this article, we will look into how to resolve an error indicating that a “customer master key policy statement contains one or more invalid principles”....
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Serverless Image Processing with AWS Lambda and S3
AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud data storage service. It is one of the most popular services of AWS. It has high scalability, availability, security and is cost effective. S3 has different storage tiers depending on the use case. Some common use cases of AWS S3 are:...
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Setting Up A CI/CD Pipeline For PHP Applications Using Jenkins
In contemporary software development, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines have arisen as key devices for smoothing out the deployment cycle and ensuring the quick conveyance of high-quality applications. This guide centers around designing a CI/CD pipeline custom-fitted explicitly for PHP applications utilizing Jenkins, an open-source automation server prestigious for its adaptability and extensibility....
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How to Use Amazon SES For Email Sending?
Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) is a cloud-based email service for sending both transactional and mass emails. Amazon SES is an email tool that also supports a variety of deployments including dedicated, shared, or owned IP addresses. To know about SNS refer to the Simple Notification Service (SNS) in AWS....
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Amazon RDS Instance Types
Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) offers different instance types that take care of various execution and asset necessities. Remember that Amazon Web Services (AWS) as often as possible updates its services, so there may be extra occasion types or changes after my last update. Continuously allude to the authority of Amazon RDS documentation for the most recent and most accurate information....
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AWS (Amazon Web Services) RDS vs Aurora
Do you need help in choosing the right AWS database for your application? Here is the solution for you. This article resolves all your queries about AWS RDS and Aurora, advantages, use cases, and differences between them. Reading this article till the end will help you to choose the appropriate database for your application development requirements....
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